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Thank you for visiting! Vintage Flyer Decals recreates the wonderful airline color schemes used during the golden age of flight lasting from the late 1930s through the mid 1980s. Although most of the decals are designed for either prop aircraft or the early narrow body jetliners, wide body aircraft are now being added as well.
On the following pages, you'll find the entire line of decals I offer. The sheets can be searched by either aircraft type or airline. Once on a selected page, you'll find a color profile of the airliner the decal represents. Simply click on the profile to see an example of the decal artwork as well as price, scale availability and decal specific information.
On the following pages, you'll find the entire line of decals I offer. The sheets can be searched by either aircraft type or airline. Once on a selected page, you'll find a color profile of the airliner the decal represents. Simply click on the profile to see an example of the decal artwork as well as price, scale availability and decal specific information.
All decals are now printed using our improved DPS2 (Digital Precision Silkscreen Two) process. Utilizing the latest in printer technology, DPS2 decals are printed at a higher resolution with more accurate color rendition than before. White ink is also joined by integrated metallic inks (where applicable), allowing for "all-in-one" sheets.
Certain decal packages now contain paint masks precisely cut using the AccuScribe Paint Mask System. These vinyl masks are pre-cut in the exact shape of the decal artwork to allow for perfect masking when painting your model. This system aids when precise painting is required for more complex schemes or where maximum opacity is needed. |
Now, go ahead and look around. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions or questions and thank you again for visiting Vintage Flyer Decals!!!
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