VFD144-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/144
Designed for use with the Roden DC-7C kit
VFD072-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/72
Currently not available.
Currently not available.
VFD122-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/122
This sheet is scaled for use with the Revell DC-7C kit. Because the Revell kit contains numerous inaccuracies (of which there are numerous corrections available) this decal is an enlargement of the 1/144 scale sheet to 1/122 scale and may require some cutting and or modification depending on how your model is built and/or corrected.
PM144-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/144
Vinyl paint mask - 1/144
PM122-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/122
Vinyl paint mask - 1/122
PM072-178 - DC-7C BOAC 1/72
Vinyl paint mask - 1/72